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Taunton Deane

Partnership College

Working in partnership with our schools


Taunton Deane Partnership College Art and Design

Overview 2023/2024


Key Stage 3-4


Life is like a camera.

Focus on what’s important.

Capture the good times.

Develop from the negatives.

And if things don’t work out …

Just take another shot

I can’t draw V I can do ART



The Art room is a room for expression in Art and design, as well as a safe room that students can come and simply gather their thoughts. They are offered access to GCSE but also allowed to purely enjoy Art for what joy it gives.


• Pupils at TDPC know that they can always succeed and achieve during Art lessons. All ideas are embraced and channelled and pupils know that they can express themselves creatively in a safe and stimulating environment.

• To learn the skill of perseverance. When we make mistakes we can learn from them, we can enjoy them, we can make them part of the design – this skill can be transferred into our everyday life.

• To make the Art room their room, to feel ownership and belonging. Displaying the students work and respecting others work.

• Our Art Curriculum is designed to develop knowledge and skills that are progressive, enabling students to strength both critical-thinking and problem solving.

• The art room not only covers art but is a place where students feel safe and whilst creating art, they feel free to talk to staff about topics of interest and concern.



• Students will have taken part in many Art experiences and found enjoyment, success and pride.

• Creating more all rounded/wholesome individuals.

• Flourishing and happy students, who seek can take the skill learnt in the art room out into everyday life.

• Art stimulates both sides of the brain, increasing the capacity of memory, attention and concentration, acquire social skills, their selfesteem and art gives them the opportunity to be expressive.

• Using our teacher and student assessment sheet we can together talk about WWW, EBI which gives the students ownership and opportunity to look at what they have done well and what they can do even better to improve their skills and possible GCSE outcome. Regular verbal feedback also allows for assessment.

• Students are able to focus on Photography and will learn different photographic techniques and processes, which can also lead to a GCSE, for example: o lighting o viewpoint o aperture o depth of field o shutter speed and movement



• To provide individual projects for each and every student according to their interests, likes and dislikes.

• To have a variety of activities openly available for students. One fit does NOT fit all.

• To follow a GCSE curriculum as some students do want a GCSE and clearly enjoy having a clear framework to follow.

• AQA Units and Arts Award can be used to accredit students

• To ensure Our Art room is warm, welcoming and for those who simply do not want to create they can sit, feel safe and breath. When they are ready, and they see what’s is on offer in the room they are welcome to join in the activities.

• To ensure their Artwork is displayed around them giving them a sense of achievement, belonging and ownership.

• We follow the 7 elements of art - colour, pattern, shape, line, shade, texture, and form, along with the GCSE framework, and above all enjoyment.

SubjectAutumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
KS3 Art

Skill: Tone, Texture, colour

Skill: Pencil and pen drawing

Skill: Screen printing

Skill: Lino Print

Skill: Collage Nancy Stanley

Skill: Photography
KS4 Holway Art


Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding


Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques, and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.


Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.


Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.

CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT (Year 11)Year 11 leave. Year 10 AO1 (2nd Project)
Online ArtGraffiti and Street ARTComic books and Anime

Introduction to Artists


Frida K x 2 Picasso Matisse Cezanne Magritte

Artists around the world




French America Mexico Australia

Racism and politics in Art


Augusta Savage

John Blake Influential musicians Stevie Wonder

Bob Marely Reggae Music

Introduction to Artists


Clarice Cliff Antony Kormley Toshiko Taza Giacometti Bridget Riley Salvador Dali

