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Taunton Deane

Partnership College

Working in partnership with our schools


Taunton Deane Partnership College

Music Overview 2023/2024


Key Stage 3-4



Music is all around us. It is the soundtrack to our lives. Music connects us through people and places in our ever-changing world. It is creative, collaborative, celebratory and challenging. At the TDPC we understand and acknowledge the fact that music can bring young people together through the shared endeavour of group singing, ensemble playing, experimenting with the creative process and, through the love of listening to friends and fellow pupils, performing.


‘The sheer joy of music making can feed the soul of a school community, enriching each student while strengthening the shared bonds of support and trust which make a great.’

(DfE Model Music Curriculum March 21)



For those who have a particular interest in performance there will be opportunities to explore and practice with the aim of performance. Visits to Richard Huish music department and BTC music departments. Weekly visits to the ActionTrack studios will be arranged for students who might benefit from specific 1-1 tuition on any given instrument including drums, keyboards, rap and singing, DJ decks and composing software including Garage Band and Serato. For students who have no interest in learning to play or perform, small group work will be arranged weekly to listen to a wide variety of music – students will be encouraged to listen to the music of other cultures. Students will be encouraged to participate in Arts Award or ASDAN, which will offer accreditation to evidence their progress and development in the Music arts.



The study of music will encourage and promote:

A strong group identity as students learn to work together on a performance.

Emotional health and wellbeing.

Musical skills

Enjoyment and pleasure

A greater understanding of a culturally significant aspect of our society and of the human experience Self-discipline

The self-confidence and boost to self-esteem that accompanies a live performance

Learning to play an instrument aids memory and coordination


SubjectAutumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
Listening to musicNew Music/Popular music Take Three Songs Add to playlist GenresNew Music/popular music Take Three Songs Add to playlist GenresWestern Classical Tradition up to the 1940sWestern Classical Tradition and film beyond 1940Music TraditionsDevelop and understand the Meaning and purpose of music
ComposingDJ Decks Garage Band Serato composition software ActionTrackDJ Decks Garage Band Serato composition software ActionTrackDJ Decks Garage Band Serato composition software ActionTrackDJ Decks Garage Band Serato composition software ActionTrackDJ Decks Garage Band Serato composition software ActionTrackDJ Decks Garage Band Serato composition software ActionTrack
Performance Instrumentation Scales and theoryMajor and Minor Vocal Techniques – use of microphones – singing to musical accompaniment Karaoke Musical Audio TestChristmas performance Performance of Serato and DJ Decks achievement Vocal PerformancePerformance of Serato and DJ Decks achievement Vocal PerformancePerformance of Serato and DJ Decks achievement Vocal PerformancePerformance of Serato and DJ Decks achievement Vocal PerformancePerformance of Serato and DJ Decks achievement Vocal Performance

